Tuesday, January 17, 2017

The Name of Jesus

“…And they took offense at Him.”  Mark 6:3

“…they kept right on teaching and preaching Jesus as the Christ.”  Acts 5:42


Have you ever had a conversation about God with an unbeliever in which the discussion wasn’t confrontational?  The dialogue was actually cordial and comfortable and as long as the subject was God; the emotional aspect of the discussion was fairly civil.  However, once you mention Jesus, it seems body language changes, voices can rise and there is no longer a desire, on the part of the unbeliever, to engage in conversation.  People do sometimes take offense just at the name of Jesus.  Perhaps that’s one of the reasons that keep us from engaging with people. 


I am reminded of the Apostles in Acts 5, who were thrown in jail and were told not to teach in the Name.   I loved their response, “…they kept right on teaching and preaching Jesus as the Christ.”  I pray we don’t get discouraged, but boldly engage the world about what Jesus has done for us.


Father, please help us to take every opportunity to speak boldly about our Savior.





Dedicated to Prayer