I was drawn today to the story in 2 Kings chapter 6 which describes Elisha with men who were cutting down trees at the Jordan River to make beams for dwellings. One of the men was cutting down a tree and the iron ax head fell into the water. The man cried out becaues the ax was borrowed. The next verse (six) describes Elisha this time not by name, but as "the man of God".
So the man of God said, "Where did it fall?" And he showed him the place. So he cut off a stick, and threw it in there; and he made the iron float. Therefore he said "Pick it up for yourself." So he reached out his hand and took it. (2 Kings 6:6-7)
Think about this story in today's terms. You and I might just go to Lowes or Ace Hardware and buy a new ax. No big deal, right? Not in those days. An ax head would take a long time to make by someone who was skilled in such things. Losing something that valuable that was borrowed would strain relationships and keep you from cutting down the tree that ultimately was to be your house. But, in the grand scheme of things, I can't imagine this guy expected a miracle to make his ax head float. It's not like healing the sick, giving sight to the blind, or parting the Red sea!
What small thing in your life is creating a problem for you? Do you pray about it? Do you trust God to handle the small stuff in your life as well as the big? Do you ever find yourself thinking you don't want to bother God with minor things because you might need him for something bigger? Perhaps you are kidding yourself about God's power in our lives and what it means to be loved by Him. He wants to be a part of EVERYTHING you do, EVERYTHING that goes "wrong", and EVERY ax head you drop in the water.
Pray always! Bring your praises and requests to Him. Bring the big stuff and small stuff. He already knows what's going on with you. Who knows, a man of God might float your ax head too.
Philip Johnson