Good Morning Blog Land! Please forgive me as I was assigned to start at the begining of the week and I've failed you. I'll try to catch up...
I love the word of God and His ability to use and apply any passage to our day, either directly or through someone else. This morning I read Proverbs 18, verse 12; "Before destruction, the heart of man is haughty, And before honor is humility".
Yesterday I traveled north of the valley for a couple of meetings that were supposed to be with high level officials. One of the meetings the main guy didn't come, but sent his "assistant" in his place. For a while my heart was haughty; thinking I had been "disrespected" in some way. Only to learn the original guy had pink eye and didn't want to infect us!
Why does our hearts jump to the wrong conclusion almost everytime? Why do we think we are at the center of the universe? Oh I know! We take our hearts off Jesus and start looking at ourselves. Oh Lord, let me be bathed in humility so that honor will come in Your Kingdom.
Philip Johnson